If you are looking to eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, one of the efficient solutions is Botox. But it is important to be prepared for the procedure to enhance the final result of the treatment. Keep reading below to know the ins and outs of the procedure and crucial things to follow before and after the procedure.
Before the procedure for Botox:
- Even though Botox is less invasive, you will require to make sure that you are selecting the best service provider. Their experience, skill, and technique are key in deciding the overall effectiveness of the procedure. You have to go for a board-certified professional and who has a good reputation for performing the procedure. Take a look at the previous reviews to guarantee expertise in the procedure.
- An initial consultation is important before deciding to take your Botox procedure. It is key in deciding the type of instructions to be given for the treatment by analyzing the previous health and medical conditions if any. Be assured to stay honest with the doctor and failing to do so will put you in danger and also impact the effectiveness of the surgery. Explain all the details regarding your personal medical history which is important to design the treatment depending on the prior issues.
- Your expert will offer you all the specific instructions that you have to have to follow before the procedure. These suggestions have to be followed without fail to have a secured and effective experience. Some of the key instructions that you are expected to be given will include discontinuing certain medications like blood thinners and alcohol that may enhance the chance of bleeding. Make a list of all the queries that you want to ask your doctor before the procedure. You shouldn’t be doubtful of any aspect before deciding on getting the procedure.
During the procedure for Botox:
The Botox procedure consists of series of injections that are administered at target regions. You will be instructed to eliminate all the makeup and any other applications on the face. Experts will cleanse the face with a solution and make use of numbing cream at the target site. Bleeding and bruising will be minimized at the target region by applying the right amount of pressure. Once the procedure is complete you would be asked to stay rested for some time and later allowed to go home.
After the Botox procedure:
- Even though there is no downtime associated with the Botox injections, the actions performed after the treatment can have a huge influence on the effectiveness of the procedure and the overall result that you can experience.
- Botox is highly popular across the globe due to the advantage of no downtime after the procedure. Even though there is no requirement to stop your daily routine after the procedure, it is suggested to wait for some time before you hit hard on performing any strenuous activities. It is especially for workouts that induce sweat in the body or yoga postures that involve using upright positions.
- Botox procedure will not induce any kind of discomfort once you complete the procedure. But if you are facing any kind of irritation after the treatment, do not hide it from your doctor and speak about it immediately. Even if you experience any adverse swelling, pain, severe redness in the region, do not hesitate to call your doctor immediately.
- Do not rub or massage the target region for at least one day as it can enhance the risk of movement of Botox compound to other surrounding regions. This can cause the improper effects of Botox in unintended areas. Strictly follow the instructions while washing the face and usage cleansers.
- Do not apply any kind of makeup or other cosmetic products for some time after the procedure. If you are applying any kind of cosmetics, then do it after the doctor’s advice and ensure to not apply any extra pressure in the region.
- Do not lie down on the same side of the treatment region even if you are taking a nap on the day of the procedure. Try to sleep on the other side or hold off for some hours after the procedures as failing to do so will disrupt the effectiveness of the procedure and spread the compound to neighboring regions.
- Blood-thinning medications have to be stopped until the expert advice as they enhance the chance of bleeding or bruising at the injection site. Even alcohol must be avoided for some days as they have blood-thinning abilities which enhance the chance of bruising at the target region.
- Botox will need some time to calm down into the intended muscles. Hence, it is suggested to avoid any kind of skin treatments like facials, any dermal fillers, massages, etc for at least the first 24 hours. Failing to do so will enhance the chances of adverse effects or reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. Follow the advice of your doctor and stay away from taking any kind of skin treatments or using any type of advanced skin products on the target regions. This will ensure to keep the are safe from spreading of the Botox while also give desired results to be retained for longer.
- Avoid exposing the treated region to sun rays on the day of the procedure which can enhance the blood circulation in the region causing bruising. Avoid other heat exposures like hot tubs, tanning, hot baths, showers, or saunas. Follow the instructions of your medical expert and enjoy fruitful results
Botox is a procedure that is effective when done at reliable aesthetic centers such as Form Med Spa. You can go home immediately, but you’ll need to follow the advice for effective Botox aftercare. This is key for achieving optimal results. FORM Medical Spa provides our clients with the best and most up to date aesthetic procedures performed by the most talented, trained, and caring professionals.